SK-N-SH(神經母細胞瘤) 產品品牌:ATCC 價格:詢價 我公司擁有國內的細胞服務技術、先進的儀器設備和專業(yè)的ELISA檢測試劑盒, 生物素標記、熒光素標記、酶標記等,廣泛用于多種分析研究與技術測定。 產品說明: The cell line is hyperdiploid human female (XX), with the modal chromosome number of 47. Normal chromosomes N9 and N22 are single. One copy of each of these chromosomes is structurally altered to form the two marker chromosomes 9q+ and 22q+. Chromosomes N7 is trisomic. Extra bands were found on one copy of chromosome N7, thereby forming a marker chromosome as described by R.C. Seeger. May have been translocated in part(s) to the q arms of chromosomes N9 and N22. 相關產品: SK-N-SH(神經母細胞瘤) HL-60(白血病原髓細胞) ScaBER(膀胱鱗癌細胞) WISH(羊膜細胞) H08910(卵巢癌細胞) |